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Dividend - 2020

  • In 2020, Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE S.A. will pay a dividend of PLN 0.02 per share.
  • The Group will allocate fot the dividend the total amount of PLN 1.507.258,64.
  • The day of acquiring the right to dividend is 29.09.2020.
  • The dividend payment date was set for 13.10.2020.
All shareholders of the Company, except for treasury shares held by the Company, take part in the profit distribution approved by the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company, which was held on June 29, 2020, i.e. 414,031 shares as at the date of adopting the resolution.

Dividend - 2019

  • In 2019, Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE S.A. will pay a dividend of PLN 0.08 per share.
  • The Group will allocate fot the dividend the total amount of PLN 6,093,045.56.
  • The day of acquiring the right to dividend is 24.09.2019.
  • The dividend payment date was set for 8.10.2019.
The resolution regarding the dividend, the date of acquisition of the right to dividend and payment date was proposed to the General Meeting at the request of Rafał Jerzy, a shareholder. The GM of the Company, which was held on 25/06/2019, voted the resolution positively, setting the payment for the fourth year in a row, in an amount higher than in previous years.

Dividend - 2018

  • In 2018, Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE S.A. will pay a dividend of 0,07 PLN per share
  • The company will alocate for a dividend a total amount of PLN 5.275.405,24
  • The date of acqusition of the right to dividend is 07.09.2018
  • The dividend payment date is set for 21.09.2018
The Ordinary General Meeting of the Company, which was held on 08/06/2018, voted for the resolution regarding the payment of the dividend, the date of acquisition of the right to dividend and the date of its payment and established the third dividend in the Company. Its value is increasing year by year.

Dividend - 2017

  • In 2017, Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE S.A. will pay a dividend of 0,06 PLN per share
  • The company will alocate for a dividend a total amount of PLN 4.521.775,92
  • The date of acqusition of the right to dividend is 31.08.2017
  • The dividend payment date is set for 30.09.2017
According to the resolution no. 18 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company held on June 30, on the payment of dividend and determination of the date of acquisition of the right to dividend and the date of its payment, it was resolved to pay out the dividend from the reserve capital of the Company arising from undistributed profits of previous years. This is the second year in a company's history when a dividend is paid. According to the Management Board's statements, the company would like to keep its current dividend policy in the longer term.

Dividend - 2016

  • In 2016, Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE S.A. paid a dividend of PLN 0,05 zł per share.
  • The Company allocated for the dividend a total amount of PLN 3.643.147.
  • The date of acquisition of the right to dividend was 22.8.2016.
  • The dividend payment date was set for the day 09.12.2016.
So far any profits the Company devoted for its development. Due to the large financial surpluses generated in the previous year and the desire to interests some new shareholders, the Group began to consider the payment of dividends. After consulting this idea with shareholders who showed up at the General Meeting, a resolution approving the payment was passed. Soon we plan to determine the details of our dividend policy for subsequent years.
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